The actual views called are object_list and object_detail. 真正的视图调用是objectlist和objectdetail。
Figure 2 shows the execution phases of the Stateful Business Object List Cache. 图2展示了有状态业务对象列表缓存的执行阶段。
The list template handles a list named object_list. 列表模板处理一个名为objectlist的列表。
The Object List View can show the following information ObjectListView可以显示以下信息
The template is rendered with a context of the job list named object_list. 该模板是使用名为objectlist的职位列表的上下文呈现的。
How to sort and apply filters to the Object List view 如何在ObjectList视图中执行排序和应用筛选器
This section describes the primitives that the Stateful Business Object List Cache uses. 这一节将介绍有状态业务对象列表缓存使用的原语。
The jobs/ job_list.html template simply iterates through the object_list it gets through the context by the index view, and displays a link to each record's detail page. jobs/joblist.html模板简单地循环遍历objectlist,它通过索引视图遍历其内容,并显示一个到每条记录的详细页面的链接。
Note that the Object List View groups and displays objects as follows 注意ObjectListView按如下进行分组和显示对象
If you collected data for objects, select View> Data Browser in the Purify menu, or click the icon and select the Object List View tab to display the object list. 如果您为对象收集数据,那么在Purify菜单中选择View>DataBrowser,或单击图标并选择ObjectListView选项卡来显示对象列表。
However, there is not an option to check if objects implement the interfaces they claim to implement, and there is no way of introspecting an object to list the interfaces it supports. 不过,没有选项来检查对象是否实现了它们所声明的接口,而且也没有办法可以调查对象内部以使列出其支持的接口。
Click on the Object List tab to show all the tables in the GSDB database. 单击ObjectList选项卡显示GSDB数据库中所有的表。
This refreshes the Object List window with current row counts. 这样会刷新ObjectList窗口,显示当前行数。
Any call to the Stateful Business Object List Cache must therefore contain information for the retrieval of the cached business object list, and those criteria are passed along as part of the request message by the requester of the service. 因此,对有状态业务对象列表缓存的任何调用,必须包含用于检索已缓存业务对象列表的信息,服务请求方会将这些条件作为请求消息的一部分来进行传递。
The Object List view now shows an unsorted list of tables. ObjectList视图现在显示无序的表列表。
When the entire document is parsed, you persist each object in the List with the PersistenceManager. 当整个文件被解析时,您使用PersistenceManager持久化List中的每个对象。
Click to select all objects in the object list. 单击该按钮可以选择对象列表中的所有对象。
On default rendering, the control renders each of the commands defined for the object list as a link. 默认呈现时,控件将为对象列表定义的每个命令都作为链接来呈现。
To fill an object list with data. 才能将数据填充到对象列表中。
On the data tab of the property sheet, click the source object drop-down list, and then click the table or query that you want to display in the datasheet. 在属性表的“数据”选项卡上,单击“记录源”下拉列表,然后单击要在数据表中显示的表或查询。
Adding a field to the field collection of an object list changes the data-binding behavior of the control and requires you to bind data to the control again. 向对象列表的字段集合中添加一个字段时,会改变控件的数据绑定行为,因而需要将数据重新绑定到控件。
Effective output The simulation object list indicates that the active reactive power compensation can carry on the compensation of reactive power very well. 有效输出量有效功率仿真结果表明,有源无功功率补偿器能很好地进行无功功率的补偿。
When you want to display multiple fields, you can specify multiple fields for each item in an object list. 如果要显示多个字段,可以为对象列表中的每一项指定多个字段。
Click Create New, select a file type from the Object Type list, and click OK. 单击“新建”,从“对象类型”列表中选择一种文件类型,然后单击“确定”。
You enter these in the object list. 你可以在对象列表这输入它们。
Select the commands tab to add commands associated with the object list or to assign a default command to the control. 选择命令选项卡,添加与对象列表关联的命令,或者将默认的命令分配给控件。
Click to open or close the object list for the thumbnail 单击该按钮可以打开或关闭缩略图的对象列表
The trial object list, adds activation conditioning agent to be favour of raising flotation recovery rate 0.60%~ 1.79%. 试验结果表明,加活化调整剂有利于提高浮选作业回收率0.60%~1.79%。
The method is that the accidents and factors for object column list, to its specification, inspection and solution to the accident, performance of multiple causes and status, more figurative out main factors and time. 该方法是以事故和因素为对象的列链表,对其规格化、检验和求解,以图示表现事故的多元致因和状态,更形象化的判断出主因和次因。
Through foreseeing the structure of the HTML tags on the search result pages, extract this tag structure with abstract extracted tags to get books information object linked list, and complete results analyses. 3. 通过预先了解并熟悉图书网站的搜索结果的展示页面的HTML标签结构,将这种标签结构进行抽象提取,利用抽取模板进行解析获得图书信息对象的链表,完成结果解析。